Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ladybug Cupcakes

I found these little beauties on They are super adorable and I definitely plan on making them for Everleigh's 1st birthday! (Which isnt for another 6 months, but hey it doesn't hurt to plan ahead right?!)


•1 can (16 oz) vanilla frosting

•Green food coloring

•12 unfrosted cupcakes baked in green paper liners*

•½ cup green decorating sugar

•12 green gumdrops

•3 Tbsp granulated white sugar

•Red food coloring

•½ cup red decorating sugar

•12 Mallomars

•½ can (1 cup) chocolate frosting

•24 brown M&M's Minis

•1 Tbsp chocolate sprinkles

*Green paper liners.

What you'll need:

•A rolling pin or a heavy bottle

•Kitchen shears or scissors

•1 resealable sandwich-size plastic bag (Ziploc)

For the leaf cupcakes:

1.Tint 1 cup of the vanilla frosting green with the green food coloring.

2.Spread the green frosting evenly on top of the cupcakes.

3.Place the green decorating sugar into a small bowl. Roll the edge of each cupcake in the green sugar to coat.

4.Using a rolling pin or a clean, heavy bottle, roll out the green gumdrops in the granulated white sugar to flatten. Using kitchen shears or clean scissors, cut each flattened gumdropinto 2 leaves. Arrange the leaves on one edge of a cupcake. Repeat with the remaining gumdrops and cupcakes.

For the ladybugs:

1.Tint 1 cup of the vanilla frosting with the red food coloring.

2.Spoon the red sugar into a small bowl.

3.Cover each Mallomar with red frosting. Roll each frosted Mallomar in red sugar to coat completely.

4.Place one sugar-coated Mallomar on each leaf cupcake.

For the decoration:
1.Spoon the chocolate frosting into a resealable plastic bag and snip a small corner of the bag. Pipe a line of chocolate frosting down the center of the red cookie; pipe an oval onto the front of the red cookie for the ladybug's head.

2.Place 2 brown M&M's Minis on either side of the chocolate line; stick 2 chocolate sprinkles upright into the ladybug's frosting head.

3.Continue with the remaining cupcakes.

Cake Anatomy:

Happy Baking!

In The Stillness...

...Right before I fall asleep...laying here listening to my husband breathe and hearing my baby girl thrashing around in her crib I think about how thankful I am that we can sleep in our comfy bed, in a safe home, and with full tummies. So many parents around the world are struggling to provide for their families. They live in poor countries with little access to jobs, education, health care, food, and even clean water. As you go to bed in the next few days, take a moment to be thankful for what you have and to pray for those around the world who are struggling. Here are some organizations who are doing great things to impact the lives of impovrished people around the world...

Clean Water Project

International Justice Mission

 World Vision

Fruited Plains

Global Health Ministry

Doctors Without Borders

 Challenge yourself to give; make a difference in the life of another won't regret it =)

Thursday, March 18, 2010


So trying to squeeze in a shower before your tempermental newborn wakes up is kind of like when you were a kid and swore up and down that jumping in the pool was the same as taking a counts as getting clean as long as you get wet right? Lol.

The Meltdown...

I must admit that lack of sleep caused me to lose my calm, cool composure and allowed the meltdown which I had been holding at bay for a few weeks to finally break through. In the midst of my childlike fit and sobbing {complete with my head hiding below my pillow in shame} I was reminded of how extremely blessed I am. Here in this moment of me completely losing it, my loving husband said these words that I so desperately needed to hear:
You are an amazing mother,
An amazing wife.
You're doing a great job
and its alright to breakdown every now and again.
I am here
and I Love you.
He then began to pray for me and thank God that I chose to love him.
I thought: SERIOUSLY!? I am laying here, completely losing it...sobbing with my head under a pillow {like a 15 year old girl who just got dumped} all because I am tired and would like to have a "day off" and instead of telling me to get a grip and stop acting like a baby {which I fully deserved. Trust me, if you had seen me, you would have agreed.} he showers me with the love that my heart was screaming for! How did he know that I so desperately needed that???
In that moment, I did not deserve for him to treat me with such grace, but I am so thankful that he did. It was such a reminder of God's grace toward us and I am so incredibly thankful for my husband who strives to love me the way God calls us to love each other. I just pray that the next time he has his own little meltdown I can offer him the same grace he gives to me.
Thank you Lord for my wonderful husband, let me never take him for granted.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


why do babies never sleep when its most convenient?!

but I guess sleep deprivation isn't so terrible when this is the little face staring back at you!

Love IT!
Love HER!
Love LIFE!

My Unplanned Blessing

I am the proud mother of a 5 week old baby girl. My husband and I had hoped to wait to have children until we were a little older and more established, but sometimes God has different plans! In the midst of all the late nights, vomitting, and numerous diaper changes I have found a joy deeper than anything this world can offer.

Today, amongst many other things, I am so thankful that:

1. I have a beautiful and healthy family who continually supports me no matter what!

2. Vomit and poop come out of cute outfits with a little help from my Oxiclean!

3. Grandparents' arms are always open when I need a free minute!