Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Meltdown...

I must admit that lack of sleep caused me to lose my calm, cool composure and allowed the meltdown which I had been holding at bay for a few weeks to finally break through. In the midst of my childlike fit and sobbing {complete with my head hiding below my pillow in shame} I was reminded of how extremely blessed I am. Here in this moment of me completely losing it, my loving husband said these words that I so desperately needed to hear:
You are an amazing mother,
An amazing wife.
You're doing a great job
and its alright to breakdown every now and again.
I am here
and I Love you.
He then began to pray for me and thank God that I chose to love him.
I thought: SERIOUSLY!? I am laying here, completely losing it...sobbing with my head under a pillow {like a 15 year old girl who just got dumped} all because I am tired and would like to have a "day off" and instead of telling me to get a grip and stop acting like a baby {which I fully deserved. Trust me, if you had seen me, you would have agreed.} he showers me with the love that my heart was screaming for! How did he know that I so desperately needed that???
In that moment, I did not deserve for him to treat me with such grace, but I am so thankful that he did. It was such a reminder of God's grace toward us and I am so incredibly thankful for my husband who strives to love me the way God calls us to love each other. I just pray that the next time he has his own little meltdown I can offer him the same grace he gives to me.
Thank you Lord for my wonderful husband, let me never take him for granted.

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